How Acupuncture works?
Acupuncture is a method in which through surface impact a deep effect on all systems in the body is achieved . Acupuncture uses different areas of the body to insert needles – the specific points depend on the dysfunction.
Acupuncture stimulates the release of endorphins – natural hormones to relieve pain in the body, reducing general tension in the body. The method also affects the autonomic nervous system, breathing, blood pressure and heart activity. It is used as a prevention against many diseases and dysfunctions, allergies, as well as in people with reduced immune protection in order to strengthen the immune system. It also positively affects dysfunctions in the nervous, endocrine, digestive and cardiovascular systems. Improves sleep, stimulates energy flow and sense of well-being.
Acupuncture improves body functions and promotes the natural healing process by stimulating specific anatomical acupuncture /trigger/ points. Sterile needles are placed at different depths on the places on the body determined by the therapist and stay for about 20 minutes. Additional techniques for stimulating the needles can be included: infrared lamp for local heating, moxa theraphy, guasha, massage. Acupuncture can be used as an independent therapy and as an addition to other procedures.
The procedure has an relaxing, even sleep-inducting effect, can cause decreased blood pressure – as a result right after Acupunture you may feel tired.
Acupuncture benefits:
✔ Chronic pain
✔ Tension-type headaches and migraines
✔ Muscle and joint pain
✔ Postoperative pains
✔ Relieves muscle tension, promotes the disappearance of swelling
✔ Knee pain
✔ Sports injuries
✔ Myofascial pains
✔ Vegetative dystonia
✔ Dysfunctions of the nervous system/anxiety, depression
✔ Immune system problems
✔ Repetitive tension disorders and excessive fatigue syndrome
✔ Various addictions /alcohol, smoking/
✔ Infertility
Duration: | 70 min. |
Price: | 120 BGN |
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