The perfect combination of various Eastern methods returns the balance and harmony in the organism. The body pressure is released, and the client feels elated. Asian massages and therapies reinforce the immune system, the cardiovascular system, nervous system, and the respiratory system. They stimulate the metabolism and keep the physical condition, mobility of the joints, the circulation of the blood, and the energy flow.

Chi Nei Tsang massage serves for the detoxification and releasing of energy blockages and tension of internal organs, and neutralization of stress. Blockages occur in the form of nodules and concretions in the area of ​​abdomen and rib cage. Negative emotions of anger, fear, anxiety, depression cause many damages. Problems can be due to too much work, stress, accidents, surgery, drugs, malnutrition, and poor posture. Chi Nei Tsang clears toxins, bad emotions and too the excess heat accumulated in the body, thus restoring the usual organ functions.

Duration:50 min.
Price:90 BGN
Duration:80 min.
Price:144 BGN