Nature of the method Biomagnetism:

A non-invasive, physical method that affects various parts of the body using magnetic fields.

Magnets have been used for thousands of years as an adjunct in the treatment of many conditions that lead to body dysfunction. Biomagnetism involves applying a magnetic field to the body to relieve pain and speed up the healing process. The application of magnetic fields has been shown to affect the permeability of cells and improve the supply of oxygen to them, which leads to better absorption of nutrients, speeds up blood circulation and clearance of waste products from the body.

With the help of permanent magnets of medium intensity, the bio-energy balance in the body is corrected, as a result of which the biochemical processes are balanced, as a result of which the inflammation is reduced and the healing effect is promoted.

Placing magnets in a specific part of the body can correct the biomagnetic field and energy dysfunctions and eliminate viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites in a short period of time.

How is Biomagnetism conducted and how does it work?

Magnetic therapy is considered effective when it helps to solve a problem in the body. The effectiveness of magnetic therapy depends on the individual condition, the construction of the polarity of the magnet, the strength of the magnetic field, the method of application and the gradients of the magnetic field.

During the therapy, magnets are placed on the body to balance the various systems, while at the same time diagnosing all organs and systems, identifying areas of different activity and forming individual protocols according to individual disorders.

  • It is recommended that during the procedure the client wears light clothing made of non-synthetic fabrics – cotton, linen, silk and flat shoes.

How many procedures are needed?

In milder cases, one to two sessions are sufficient. People with chronic problems may need 5 to 10, and sometimes more sessions. The actual number is determined by how a person reacts to the procedure. The frequency of therapy is once a week, and this can also be adaptive to the individual condition.

In what diseases can the therapy be applied?

Magnets are used to reduce stress, fatigue and anxiety; pain relief; reduce the risk of infections; have anti-inflammatory effect; prevent sudden chronic attacks and promote wound healing (including post-surgical wounds) and fractures; they are used to relieve pain and improve blood circulation.

Here are more conditions in which they support health:

  • Allergies;
  • Anemia;
  • Asthma;
  • Lung diseases;
  • Sinusitis;
  • Acne;
  • Migraine;
  • Arrhythmia;
  • Diabetes;
  • Influenza infection;
  • Chronic fatigue;
  • Stress;
  • Fibromyalgia;
  • Alzheimer’s;
  • Cancer (without prior chemo and radiation therapy);
  • Spinal pain;
  • Arthritis, Rheumatism;
  • Impaired circulation;
  • Digestive disorders;
  • Acids;
  • Multiple skerosis;
  • Pain after polio;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Menstrual disorders;
  • Dysfunction of the endocrine glands;
  • Parkinson’s;
  • High cholesterol;
  • Impotence;
  • Hepatitis;
  • Sexual disorders;
  • Infertility;
  • Depression;
  • Emotional problems and much more.

! The therapy is extremely effective in cases of childhood diseases. Its application can prevent future diseases in old age by eliminating pathogenic factors in childhood.

Benefits of Biomagnetism therapy:

Biomagnetism can be used to relieve pain of various origins, including pain in various organs, arthritis, myofascial muscle pain, muscle cramps in the lower extremities, carpal tunnel syndrome and pelvic pain.

The main effects of magnets on the body are anti-inflammatory, analgesic, trophic-improving the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to tissues and vasodilating effect.

More effects of Biomagnetism therapy:

  • Accelerates the healing process even in old injuries;
  • Strengthens blood circulation.
  • Relieves swelling from sprains or other injuries;
  • Reduces inflammation;
  • Corrects energy imbalance in the organs;
  • Strengthens immunity;
  • Improves sleep;
  • Relieves stress;
  • Reduces inflammation and pain.

Are there any side effects from the therapy?

The procedure is completely harmless. The effects of it can be felt during or immediately after the procedure or within 48 hours after the first session. In some cases, what Dr. Goiz defines as a “healing crisis” can occur, in which the body begins to excrete foreign organisms and their toxins. After treatment there may be some reactions such as drowsiness, fatigue, tiredness, headache, thirst, frequent urination, but this is only temporary and is a very good sign that the body is responding positively to treatment.

Does biomagnetism interact with other therapeutic therapies, medications, regimen and lifestyle?

The therapy supports the healing and neutralizes the negative effects of the applied medications as a result of drug treatment and operations.

Duration:80 min.
Price:140 BGN

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Димитър Попов - Терапевт
Dimitar Popov – therapist

Dimitar Popov is therapist with 17 years of experience in the field of healing and prophylactic methods with a holistic approach. Rich experience in the sphere of eastern and western methods enable him to focus on everyone’s individual needs. Knowing different, techniques including Perceptual Osteopathy and EMMETT Technique, makes it possible to locate where there are body dysfunctions or lack of energy.

What is the EMMETT Technique:

The Emmett technique is an energizing, extremely gentle and elegant technique for a muscle relaxation, but with a profound effect. The technique uses a light touch at the specific Emmett points to relieve pain and discomfort, improve movements or relieve tensions and constraints. As a result the internal and external organs and body systems return to balance and improve the quality of life.

The effect is instantaneous and even patients with longstanding chronic pain in the muscles find relief after the first minutes of the method application.

How it works:

The Emmett technique uses the skin as a touchscreen. The applied light touch triggers ‘ACTIVATION’of internal and external processes in motion, which brings the body into balance.

Our body reacts by activating itself through specific Emmett points on the skin, that provide direct impulses through the surrounding connective tissue (fascia) that envelopes every organ and cell in our body and has the extraordinary ability to act directly on them.

Due to the slight touch of specific areas on muscles and tendons, the restrictions and blockages are released as soon as possible.
The nervous system sends the stimulation of the fascia to the brain, which sends corrective pulses to the whole body. In this way, blockings can be “relaxed” so that the body finds its equilibrium almost instantaneously.

What it does:

The Emmett technique is an excellent method of influencing Psoas, the muscle that keeps our body upright, in balance, supports the diaphragm, stimulates positive emotions, energizes, so this muscle is also called “Psoas – the Soul Muscle” 

The Emmett technique is also excellently used for:

  • Relaxation in stress and tension conditions
  • Solution for various conditions like back / joint/ headache and migraine
  • Improves flexibility, mobility and endurance of the muscles, joints and tendons of the back, waist, pelvis, legs and arms
  • Relaxes painful and overloaded muscles
  • Improves hand and leg coordination
  • Helps healing process for various injuries
  • Preparatory and concomitant therapy during pregnancy and childbirth
  • Improves the circulation of lymph and blood circulation
  • Supports the disposal of excess fluids
  • Improves breathing
  • Improves joint mobility for all ages
  • Encourages mental and physical vitality
  • Aligns the balance of the body, creates good ground and harmony
  • Regulates all systems in the body: digestion, metabolism, etc.

The results after the application of Emmett Technique are very often instantaneous with positive physical changes in different states.

The specially selected individual program will result in improved mobility and movement of all joints:

  • Torso – the whole spine
  • The pelvis area and the hip joints
  • The legs – knees, ankles and feet
  • Shoulders, shoulder blades and neck
  • Hands – elbows and wrists

Who could benefit from Emmett Technique:

– Golfers
– Athletes with limited movements
– Tennis players
– Pregnant women and woman who gave birth
– Doctors and surgeons
– People with a sedentary lifestyle
– Exercising professions with fine motoring
– Recovery after operations
– For whom it is important to have freedom of movement

Performance of the Emmett Technique

The Emmett technique can be performed in a sitting, standing or lying position, directly on the skin or through light and soft clothing.

Duration:40 min.
Price:120 BGN

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“The way a person is created, the path of illness, the way a person heals, the way the diseases develop, the theoretical and healing ground of everything is the Twelve meridians. Life and death depend on the meridians. Through the meridians, the disease can be cured. “


Rudraaksa Energy Massage is the new project in our collections of author’s massages at the Holistic Gallery Rudraaksha. The author Dimitar Popov has put his knowledge and experience in Chinese medicine, acupuncture and acupressure and biologically active points.

Why Rudraaksa Energy Massage?

Have you ever experienced pain or distractions at certain times, but find it difficult to pinpoint where the problem comes from?

By working on the meridians and activating the bioactive points, we aim to homogenize and harmonize their energy. The massage energizes the balance of the Chi energy, under which the whole life activity of man is carried out. For life to exist, there must be organs and energy. Without energy the organs are dead. And to make sense, life, organs and energy must be in unity.

What are the 12 meridians?

Meridians are the energy channels of the body and are placed in pairs symmetrically under the skin or deep in the body. Each of the 12 Meridians has a complex network of branches that feeds energy into the adjacent area. The places where the meridians reach the surface of the skin are so called biologically active points / bioactive points /.

The bioactive points are located on the meridians of the body and are felt as areas of higher mass density in the defined area where the points are supposed to be located. Stimulation leads to improvement of the functional state of the immune system and is useful in combating certain colds and flu. By acting on these points a general strengthening of the body is achieved, as well as on organs like liver, lung, thymus, kidney and adrenal glands.

What does Rudraaksa energy massage affect?

Rudraksha Energy Massage is one of the most effective ways to improve health because:

  • Stimulates blood circulation and metabolism;
  • Removes cramps;
  • Adjusts high blood pressure, fluid retention in the body and obesity;
  • Regulates energy imbalance;
  • Reduces stress;
  • Balances body fluids and nervous system.

It also helps with:

  • Headache, migraine, menstrual pain;
  • Pain in the neck, back, waist, joints;
  • Diseases of the peripheral nervous system (radiculitis, plexitis, neuritis, discopathy);
  • Functional disorders of the nervous system – stress, depression, fatigue, vertigo, anxiety, insomnia, palpitations;
  • Diseases of the internal organs;
  • Sterility and others.
Duration:50 min.80 min.
Price:108 BGN173 BGN

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Flow oil massage is a fine but deep-acting therapy designed to relax the whole body while enhancing the vitality and subtle vibrations of the energy level.

During the massage, you feel the whole body warm. Vibrations from the therapist’s movements affect all levels – muscles, joints, tendons and bones. The feeling that the body is pleasantly relaxed and light comes mostly from the specific techniques and the vibrational techniques that the therapist applies.

According to the author of the massage Dimitar Popov: “there is nothing else to say but: a flow, a flow, and again flow of energy.” Massage gives you immediate relief, sense of integrity, balance as if you are in your own space of harmony and continuity, with yourself.

The massage is a flow and the flow is a massage. Energy.

The effective compilation of skillfully combined techniques affecting energy meridians, reflector zones and bioactive points “melt” blockages and seals causing imbalance in the body.

In this way the flow of energy can freely flow along the meridians in the body. The massage exudes the delicate flavor of sesame oil and leaves you with a sense of lightness – as if you are reminiscent of a sesame fairy, which is combined with the colossal variety of techniques and brings you different intense sensations. Sesame oil used in the massage moves silently and in sync with your skin. It gives her natural warmth and elasticity.


  • Dispose of excess fluids;
  • Improves overall the energy state of the physical, emotional, mental, etheric and etheric body;
  • Reduces stress;
  • Relieves the pains and blockages in the body;
  • Completely increases the energy level.

Under what conditions is appropriate:

  • Lymphatic slack;
  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • Nervous tension and stress;
  • Joint pain, muscles and tendons of the whole body;
  • In case of fatigue;
  • Reduced lifestyle;
  • Energy shortage;
  • Irritability and nervousness.
Duration:50 min.
Price:148 BGN

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