Regeneration therapy. A special black mask of fresh caviar, sea sediments with high content of minerals and microelements tightens up the face and stimulates the absorption of nutritional substances into the skin for the purpose of stimulation of cell metabolism and slowing down of the aging process. The included bio-technological ingredients, Vitamin E and complex of oils feed, moisturize and restore. We recommend 6 procedures once per week.


  • duration: 60 min.
  • price: BGN 165


This is an original and one of a kind powerful cosmetic therapy for shaping the face contours. The morpho-filling mask and serum with hyaluronic acid fill up and smoothen wrinkles. The combination of weight-reduction mask and serum directly attacks the fat accumulations along the cheeks and neck, and remodel the facial contour. The active component called Coraline reduces the formation of fat cells and helps for the synthesis of new collagen. The stimulation of the fibroblasts give an excellent and visible firming and obvious toning effect in the region of the neck and the lower part of the face. We recommend 8 procedures once per week.


  • duration: 80 min.
  • price: BGN 155


Amazing restoration therapy. It is effective for all eye zone problems: dark circles, puffing, wrinkles. This therapy smoothens the fine lines and softens the skin. It delicately eliminates fat accumulations and retained liquids, thanks to strong active ingredients with a lipolytic and drainage effect. The massage techniques applied during the therapy are the perfect addition to the effect of the active ingredients. We recommend 4 procedures once per week.


  • duration: 25 min.
  • price: BGN 40

Unique regeneration therapy. It protects the DNA in the nucleus of the cells and stimulates collagen production. Furthermore, it revives faded and tired skin, and protects against stress and contamination. This therapy is based on the powerful regeneration and bio-protection properties of cryo-proteins of an Antarctic bacterium, of the high-tech polymerized molecule Hydra DNA with hydrating, protection and restoration properties, and of DNAge – an extract from Seine, which protects the DNA and slows down the aging-related processes. We recommend 4-6 procedures once per week.


  • duration: 80 min.
  • price: BGN 160


Активира различни механизми на кожата: клетъчно регенериране, реконструкция на тъканите, засилване на естествените защитни сили и намаляване на реактивността. Микроубожданията стимулират синтеза на колаген и еластин, и активират образуването на нови колагенови структури в продължение на часове след прилагане на процедурата без да нарушават баланса във водно-липидния слой. Кожата се насища с витамини А, С и Е. Препоръчват се 4-6 процедури един път седмично.


  • продължителност: 80 мин.
  • цена:                            145 лв.

Phytohormones are vegetable extracts, but based on their structure and functions they resemble human hormones and acts as regulators of the disbalance at a skin level. The therapy with phytohormones preserves the youth and vitality of your skin. It hydrates, relieves, and restores. We recommend 6 procedures once per week.


  • duration: 80 min.
  • price: BGN 145


This therapy is focuses on oily and acneic skin, as it may be also used for normal skin in case of need of deeper cleaning. It has an anti-hormone and anti-bacterial effect. It cleans clogged pores and comedones, regulates fatty secretion, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.


  • duration: 60 min.
  • price: BGN 95


During the aging-related process the genes, which take part in the synthesis of the structural elements of the derm (elastin, collagen, and hyaluronic acid) fall into lethargy. The skin loses its tightness, and the mimic wrinkles intensify. The therapy uses the energy potential of powerful innovative ingredients in order to reactivate the 14 genes conditioning the quality of the structure of the extracelullar matrix. Thus there is a visible regeneration effect achieved. We recommend 6 procedures once per week.


  • duration: 80 min.
  • price: BGN 160


This complex, revitalizing therapy will help you prevent or delay in time the surgical breast pickup and enlargement. The local congestion of the adipose tissue is achieved through the combination of three mechanisms, namely: multiplication of the fat cells, stimulation of the production of lipids, and improvement of their storage. In addition, there is also the target impact towards improvement of the volume and reduction and elimination of stretchmarks. Other effects include stabilization and reduction of the visibility of the surface capillaries, increase of skin tone and elasticity. We recommend 4 procedures once per week.


  • duration: 60 min.
  • price: BGN 95