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✔ Removes immobility and instability of organs

✔ Remove blockages to self-regulate the body

✔ Prevent pre-aging of tissues and organs by protecting their mobility

✔For balance and detoxification of internal organs

✔ Improves blood circulation and improves lymphatic circulation

in organs and their innervation

✔ Normalizes metabolism, improves hormonal balance

✔ Preserves the functions of the autonomic and central nervous system

✔ For delicate influence of life processes

Everything in the body needs to be mobile for good health!

When the unity of the three systems of man: skeletal-muscular, nervous and mental are in balance, the man is healthy. Our organs, muscles, bones and tissues have micro movements and if for some reason these movements are limited, changes are required in the tissues and organs. They lose their innervation and dynamics, and their mobility is limited. There is no natural mechanism for self-healing in the body, due to osteopathic methods and techniques that help the body to help these changes, maintaining the balance on their structures. The task of osteopathy is to restore the balance with minimal effort.

Osteopathic methods:

Craniosacral therapy:

Craniosacral osteopathy includes techniques on the skull, tissues on the head and sacrum, organs in the sense of smell, sight and hearing. The therapy is especially suitable for:

  • Stressful situations
  • Back and neck pain
  • Migraine
  • Headache
  • Musculoskeletal chronic pain 
  • Tinnitus 
  • Vestibular problems
  • Gritting teeth

Craniosacral therapy affects and adjusts the entire nervous system.

Visceral osteopathy – organs must move in a physiological rhythm. 

For pelvic organs problems:

  • Ovary dysfunction
  • Congestion
  • Chronic and protective processes
  • Fibroids and endometriosis
  • Prostatitis
  • Sexual dysfunction

Osteoaesthetics– a technique for sculpting and rejuvenating the face.

Everything in the body needs to be mobile-Osteoaesthetics will reduce blocks in the muscles of the face and neck, tension in the tissues, improves the interaction of connective tissue, and hence in the craniofacial architecture. The best cosmetics for facial skin is the own arterial blood which nourishes it and makes it elastic and young. But when there is a blood circulation disorder, the whole complex of problems appears: the tissues swell, they sag, an unhealthy gray skin tone appears. Osteoaesthetics of the face and neck is a natural method of rejuvenation. After the procedure, blood flow improves as the therapist releases pressure and congestion in the blood vessels. Facial skin looks firm and fresh, puffiness decreases, the face acquires a healthy color, the asymmetry of both halves of the face decreases significantly.


  • Corrects facial contour, volume and features
  • Improves skin condition
  • Prevents age-related changes
  • Improves nutrition and thyroid function, working off cervical blockages
  • Improves blood flow and lymph flow, facilitates the absorption of oxygen
  • Nourishes tissues
  • Affects swollen tissues
  • Affects hair loss, affects hair growth
  • Removes facial blockages

Therapy can reduce abnormal pigmentation as well as acne problems.

The result after the first procedure:
– Face symmetry
– Skin tone improvement
– Wrinkles are reduced
– Face contour lifting
– Relaxation of the customer

Duration:50 min80 min
Price:108 BGN173 BGN

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